Six thriving and growing churches, making Christ known in our area of Milton Keynes

Stantonbury Ecumenical Partnership comprises six churches from four denominations in north east Milton Keynes.

The membership is made up of Anglican, Methodist, United Reformed and Baptist congregations who worship together with services varying in style and format.

We warmly welcome you to any of our churches and hope that you find one or more which meets your needs.

To contact us, please ring 01908 382458 between 10am and 12noon Monday to Saturday or leave a voicemail. Alternatively please contact the SEP using the contact form on this site if you would like further information about services, weddings, funerals, baptisms etc.

New Stantonbury Ecumenical Partnership ministry set out their vision for future growth

Our two new ministers, Phil and Chi, together with Sam have written the following letter to members of the Stantonbury Ecumenical Partnership.
Pastoral Letter to the Stantonbury Ecumenical Partnership (SEP)
8th October 2024

“Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. As we come together in this new season of ministry within the Stantonbury Ecumenical Partnership (SEP), we write with hearts full of gratitude and excitement for the journey ahead.
Over the past month, both Revd Canon Chi Okpala and Revd Phil Dunning—have been deeply moved by the warm welcome and support extended to us by all of you. Your kindness and encouragement have made our transition into this partnership a true blessing, and we are so thankful to be part of such a vibrant and loving community of faith.

Moving the Mission Forward

Rev Canon Chi Okpala.

As we settle into our roles, we are reminded of the shared mission God has entrusted to us: to bring Christ’s love and hope to everyone, young and old, in our churches and across the wider community. The Apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 12:12, “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.”
We are called to be that body—working together, each using our God-given gifts, time, and devotion to fulfil this mission as one.
Our Vision Our vision is clear: to reach out to every generation, from children in schools to elders in our communities, forming partnerships that help us engage more meaningfully with the people we serve.
This vision is not solely our own, but one that we join with—the vision that God has for and through the Stantonbury Ecumenical Partnership (SEP). It is a vision that we have seen and heard in the hearts and voices of people across the SEP, and one that has been clearly expressed in the 2022 SEP Review. We believe that God is calling us to be present in every aspect of community life, building relationships, sharing the Good News, and extending the love and compassion of Christ in practical ways.
As we move forward together, we are committed to listening, discerning, and following where God leads, knowing that this mission will require all of us—working together as one—to see lives transformed by His grace. As Proverbs 19:21 reminds us, “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”

Areas of Pastoral Charge

Rev Phil Dunning.

As we embrace this new season, we are pleased to share with you the areas of pastoral charge within our clergy team.
Revd Phil Dunning will have pastoral responsibility for Christ Church Stantonbury, Bradwell Church Bradwell Village, and Cross and Stable Church Downs Barn, collaborating with Revd Dr. Sam Muthuveloe at Downs Barn.
Revd Canon Chi Okpala will oversee St. Andrew’s Church Great Linford, St. James Church New Bradwell and St. Mary Magdalene Church Willen; again, partnering with Revd Dr. Sam Muthuveloe at Willen.
Additionally, Revd Dave Haseldine will support Revd Canon Chi at St. Andrew’s Church Great Linford to enhance our ministry.
This collaborative approach means that Revd Chi will have the opportunity to engage in other responsibilities associated with the Team Leader role, while Revd Phil will be able to focus on additional aspects of the Vision Enabler role.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:11, we are reminded, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” This teamwork reflects our commitment to supporting one another and nurturing our community in faith.

Adapting for the Future: Changing Service Times

Rev Sam Muthuveloe.

We are committed to serving the needs of our six churches and providing meaningful support across the Partnership to the best of our ability. Our desire is to strengthen unity and foster deeper connections among our congregations, ensuring that each church receives the care and attention it deserves. At present, our capacity is somewhat limited, as, apart from Revd Sam, we can only be in one church on a Sunday.
However, if we were able to be present in two churches each Sunday, we could connect with our congregations more regularly and share the leadership of worship with even more people. To make this possible, we propose adjusting the service times so that some churches meet at 9:30am and others at 11:00am effective from 1st of November 2024.
This would allow us to serve more effectively and be present with more of you, enriching our shared worship experience. In Acts 2:42-44, we are reminded of the early Church’s spirit of fellowship and togetherness: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer… All the believers were together and had everything in common.” By coming together in worship and service, even as we adapt, we strengthen our bonds and create a space where the love of God is shared freely among us all.

Working Together: Offering Our Time, Talents, and Resources

Rev David Haseldine.

None of this can be accomplished without your continued dedication.
We need each one of you—your time, your talents, your energy, and your resources. Whether through volunteering, offering your skills in music, administration, teaching, hospitality, or simply showing up to help where needed, your contributions are invaluable to this mission.
As Paul writes in Romans 12:4-6, “For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.” This is a shared journey.
Together, we can build a thriving community of faith that truly reflects the love and light of Christ to everyone we encounter. Let us keep working together, offering all that we have—our time, gifts, and resources—for the glory of God and the good of His Church.

A Shared Vision for the Future

We believe with all our hearts that God is moving in this place. He is stirring us to new opportunities, new relationships, and new ways of reaching our community. Together, as we faithfully serve and respond to His call, we trust that God will use each of us to do great things in the Stantonbury Ecumenical Partnership. Philippians 1:6 assures us, “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Let us hold fast to that promise as we move forward in faith.

Thank You and Looking Ahead

Once again, we thank you for your warm welcome, your continued support, and your willingness to serve alongside us as we begin this new season of ministry. We are confident that, as we work together in unity and love, God will bless our efforts and guide us forward. Please continue to pray for the mission of SEP, for each other, and for the communities we are called to serve.
We are excited to see what God has in store for us all and look forward to walking this journey with you.
With every blessing in Christ,
The Revd. Canon Chi Okpala – Team Rector, & Team Leader, SEP
The Revd. Phil Dunning – Baptist Minister & Vision Enabler, SEP
The Revd Dr Sam Muthuveloe – SSM Priest, SEP
The Revd Dave Haseldine – Presbyter Methodist Circuit

Future looking brighter for Stantonbury Partnership after Chi and Phil join the team

The Rev Phil Dunning.

The future of the Stantonbury Ecumenical Partnership is looking brighter following the successful services to mark the arrival of Team Rector, the Rev Chi Okpala, and the Rev Phil Dunning who will take on the Vision Enabler role.

In addition looking further afield, the post of Area Dean has now been filled as Paul Oxley takes on the vacancy left by the departure of Tim Norwood. Back in the Partnership the congregation at St Andrew’s, Great Linford, now has a Congregational Leadership Team.

Full details about this news and much more can be found in the October Partnership newsletter. Thank you to SEPC chair Sharron Marland for her work on this and John Porter for producing the letter. To read the newsletter please download here.

Partnership ready to welcome two new ministers at services this month

After three years of waiting Stantonbury Ecumenical Partnership will welcome its new Team Rector and Team Leader on Wednesday September 4 when the Rev Chi Okpala will be licensed.

Less than two weeks later our new Baptist Minister and Vision Enabler, the Rev Phil Dunning will be welcomed at a service at Christ Church, Stantonbury. Phil and his family have already moved into their new home at Bradwell Church House.

Both Chi and Phil are keen to work together to re-energise our Partnership.

Full details of the services can be read in the September SEP newsletter which can be downloaded here.