Black Lives Matter: A statement by the SEP team

The killing of George Floyd in the United States in June 2020 revealed afresh the depths of racism that remain in our world, and the evils that flourish when it is allowed to go unnoticed. Every black life matters, and every black life is of infinite worth in God’s eyes – and ours too.

We abhor racism in all its forms, and are committed to fighting racism, and to pointing to ways in which our society remains unjust and our world unequal.

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George Floyd: depths of racism remain in our world.

We are sorry for our failure to recognise racism, our failure to listen to our black sisters and brothers and understand the racism that they have had to endure as an everyday part of their lives, our failure to stand alongside them, and our failure to fight racism and injustice in our communities, in our country and in the world.

We pray that God might be at work in our own lives, in the church, and in the world, revealing and helping us to eradicate racism, and to work for justice and peace in the world that he loved so much that he redeemed it through his Son, Jesus Christ, crucified, buried and risen.
