Willen church hosting a major programme for Heritage Week

St Mary Magdalene Church at Willen will be hosting a packed programme for Milton Keynes Heritage Week from September 6 to 15.

The events have been organised in conjunction with Willen Village Heritage Association starting with the all day opening of St Magdalene Church on September 6. The church will be open all week.

The programme:

Event 1: 6-15 September St Mary Magdalene Church is open 10.00 – 17.00

Event 2: Friday 6 Sept Heritage Trail walk with Parks Trust 10.00 – 11.45

Event 3: 6-15 Sept Beautiful Church – Beautiful Garden Daily Plants Sale opens 11.00

Event 4:– See below.

Event 5: Saturday Sept 7 10.30 Update on Hooke Heritage Project with Jacky Scott, 11.15 News on Hooke Innovation Park Project with Justin Tunley and David Stabler

Event 6: Sunday 8 Sept ‘ALL WELCOME’ Service: 9.30am   

Event 7: Sunday Sept 8th 12.30 noon MK Classical Guitar Society

The interior of the historic Royal Train. See Event 14.

Event 8: Monday 9 Sept ‘Those Were the Days’ with Willen Singers 1.30pm–2.30pm

Event 9: Monday 9 Sept   Quorum Choir 8pm

Event 10: Tuesday 10 Sept Bell Ringing, Church History with John Figg 11.30–1.00pm

Event 11: Wed 11 Sept 10.30 Walk and talk around Willen with the famous Tim Skelton (MKDC Surveyor)

Event 12: Wed 11 Sept 2pm Learn to sing Shanty Songs ‘Wear your stripey shirt and join the crew for an hour’ Bob Stott

Event 13: Thurs 12 Sept ‘Backstops’ Concert 12.30pm 1.30pm

Event 14: 13 Sept The Royal Train at Wolverton. Film from Living Archive 7.30pm

Event 4: Saturday 7 Sept ‘Ride and Stride Day’ Moved to Saturday 14th September.

Event 15: Saturday 14 Sept The Cryers (Madrigals) Choir  2.30pm – 4.00pm

Event 16 Sunday 15: Sept Holy Communion by Extension at 9.30am    A service giving thanks for the work of the polymath Robert Hooke, who designed St Mary Magdalene Church and an insight into the life of Mary Magdalene.

Event 17 : Sunday 3pm Service for all at the Tree Cathedral with Bradwell Silver Band.

Bradwell Silver Band to guest at Partnership’s Tree Cathedral Service

Milton Keynes’ Tree Cathedral at Newlands, near Willen will again be the setting for a Stantonbury Ecumenical Partnership service on Sunday September.

The service starts at 3pm and will feature vocalists, guitarists and the Bradwell Silver Band.

Members of all our six churches are invited to this special outdoor family service lasting about 45 minutes.

You are invited to this special outdoor family service at the Tree Cathedral, Newlands. Join friends and neighbours, along with vocalists, guitarists and the Bradwell Silver Band on Sunday 15 September 15 at 3pm, as we explore what it means to be the light of the world.

The Tree Cathedral can be found off the V10/H5. The Tree Cathedral Car Park is off Livingstone Drive MK15 0DT. Please note, parking charges apply.

Contact: Revd Dr Sam Muthuveloe, Minister at Cross & Stables and Willen, sam.muthuveloe@gmail.com for further details.

Download the poster for the service here.